Introduction Jiri Klimes Research Members Theses available Teaching Publications

Ab initio methods for periodic systems (NBCM173)

This is a lecture course for people who have some understanding of standard ab initio methods. I discuss some more advanced concepts, such as electron cusp and locality of density matrix and illustrate them using the model system of uniform electron gas. With that system, we naturally go through the issues related to using periodic boundary conditions, such as k-point sampling, plane-wave basis set or singularity of Coulomb interaction. Here is a directory which lists Jupyter notebooks used for exercises in GPAW.

Ab initio methods and density functional theory (NBCM122)

2018--2019 Lectures from ab initio methods are held by prof. Burda. Lectures about DFT based on the Yang and Parr DFT book. For MSc and PhD students.

Introduction to quantum mechanics -- Uvod do kvantove mechaniky (NOFY027)

First lecture course about quantum mechanics for second year undergrad students. From time to time I have tutorials for the course.

Basics of quantum mechanics -- Zaklady kvantove mechaniky (NOFY042)

Website here Second lecture course about quantum mechanics for undergraduate students. I did tutorials (not this year).